A promising beginning

Mackenzie woke up famished this morning, so I breastfed her before even changing her diaper.

That was the wrong choice.

Apparently her diaper could not hold another drop, because she soaked through her pajamas while drinking her breakfast.

So I cleaned her (very heavy) (and poopy) diaper up and put her straight in a bath.

That was the wrong choice.

She pooped in the bath (for the first time in her life).

I cleaned her up again and put her in fresh clothes.

That, too, was the wrong choice.

She promptly spit up all down the front of them.

I wasn’t sarcastic when I titled this post, however. This day will either get lots better or it’ll make one heck of a story. That’s a win-win situation in my book. Oh, and this day has another good thing going for it…

