On our previous blog, I wrote 600 blog posts in 10 years. Then, over the next 5 years my posting frequency slowed to a trickle and finally petered out altogether.
I still love to write. Moments I want to remember still zoom past me, threatening to disappear forever if I don’t mull over and document them. My kids still make me laugh and cry on a regular basis. I still enjoy sharing what I’m learning about homeschooling, parenting, marriaging, and eating plants.
So why did I stop blogging?
My blog was the free kind, on wordpress.com, and over the years WordPress had cluttered it up with more intrusive ads. (Apparently they were tired of not getting anything in return after close to 15 years of free hosting? Or maybe they wanted to get out of the free hosting game entirely?) On my last visit, to find a particular salad recipe, I was confronted with ads for toenail fungus alongside the ingredient list.
I didn’t even want to visit my own blog, and I certainly didn’t feel inspired to write anything that might draw other people to it.
So, I ponied up a reasonable sum of money to pay for ad-free blog hosting, and I decided to give myself a somewhat clean slate in the process. Though I moved everything over, I made 3/4 of my past postage private, only making public my favorite (mostly funny) moments and posts from the past.
I love my crazy life, and hope when you read about it, you leave with a smile on your face. I anticipate this space will be mostly a creative outlet for me, but also a way for friends and family to see what’s going on in with those Beans.

Brian Baugh
Fungus-free blogging Beans! My wildest dreams have come true!
I recently changed my wordpress host from Bluehost to DigitalOcean Virtual Private Server (VPS). DigitalOcean only costs $5/month and has really high performance. If you ever want to talk shop, I’m happy to do so.
Carrol Robins
I made it to your new blog! 🙂 i’m excited to keep up with you and your family again! We adore your family and miss you guys tons!
Gina F.
I’ve been following your blog in my RSS reader for years. I’ve already added your new address to my reader. Look forward to new posts about your life and family.
Anita F.
Hi Anne!
Hi! I found your other blog many years ago because of your bread recipe! I followed you through pregnancies, building your house, Scott becoming a doctor, etc. I loved that you admitted that things weren’t perfect and sometimes you didn’t get to shower and your kids ate odd food combinations, etc, but that you loved and lived and enjoyed life! Thank you!
Shannon Pence
Made it!
Karen besselievre
Thanks for the up date!
I’m here!