I just recently completed the process of totally clearing my camera card, phone, and hard drive of random photos that have been building up over the last year (or two). Everything is organized and backed up on SmugMug and on an external hard drive and if I wasn’t 30 weeks pregnant I’d feel light as a feather right now. 🙂 […]
From Sick to Overseas… it was a big week
At 14 weeks pregnant, I was still feeling very sick. April 8th was looming on my calendar and I felt totally unprepared for it. That was the day we’d marked nearly 6 months before as the day we’d be embarking on an international adventure, meeting up with 7 friends and family members (but no kids!) to take the Paris marathon […]
Big News About a Little One
The blog has gone silent. Homeschool has been pared down to just the essentials. (A good thing to do, periodically, right?) I went a whole week eating mainly smoked apple & sage vegan sausage with mustard. It made sense at the time. I went a whole month during which chocolate sounded unappealing. Someone rang the doorbell unexpectedly last week (not […]