My previously super-busy resident husband took TEN weeks off after residency before starting work in Oregon. We planned to finish packing up our moving trailer on a Thursday, clean out our apartment and pack for our ten weeks of crazy plans (including a major roadtrip) on Friday, and fly out of Columbus, Ohio at the crack of dawn on Saturday […]
What Ten Year Olds Look Like
Both of my girls were more or less bald for the first year and a half of their lives, so having a baby with hair is new to me. Caitlyn, at nearly a year old. Photo by Meghan MacAskill I knew that Daniel was getting a tad shaggy and told myself that when he had his first birthday, I would […]
Happy in Oregon
We’re here, we’re settled and we are happy! Picture proof: photo by my dad photo by my dad photo by my cousin Confession: all those photos were taken during our Summer of Fun. I haven’t yet settled in enough to take many photos of us smiling in Oregon. You’ll just have to take my word for it. 🙂 Planned posts: […]